Creating New Validation Rules

Validation rules can be configured for multiple objects (see also Validation Rules) on the workflow designer canvas. The following example configures validation rules for a Task object.

  1. From the Administrator Tools tab on the SmartSolve Portal Page, click Designer > Workflow Designer.
  2. Create a new workflow or open an existing workflow.
  3. Click the Rule Editor button in the main menu toolbar at the top of the window.
    Result: The Rules window is displayed.
  4. Click the New button.
    Result: The Rule Editor window is displayed.

  1. Enter the information in the following fields:
  2. Field Definition

    Rule Name

    Enter the name of the rule.


    Enter a description of the rule.


    Zoom to select the entity that contains the fields that must be evaluated in this rule.

    Qualifying Condition

    Zoom to select the qualifying condition for the entity selected (if applicable). See Configuring Formulas in Validation Rules for additional information.

    Add Condition

    Click the Add Condition button to add the condition which will later validate the rule. See Adding Conditions to Validation Rules for additional information.

    Error Message

    Enter the message that will display for the user upon unsuccessful evaluation of this Rule.

    Field to Highlight

    Zoom to select the field to highlight when clicking on the error message.

  3. Click Save.
    Result: The rule is displayed in the Validation Rules window.

NOTE: Rules can also be deleted from this window by selecting the rule and then clicking the Delete button at the top of the Validation Rules window.

See Also

Editing Existing Validation Rules

Adding Conditions

Configuring Formulas



Monday, September 16, 2019
9:52 AM